Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment

1Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
3Hong Kong Polytechnic University 4New York University 5Chinese Academy of Sciences
6Generative Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (GAIR) *Corresponding Author


We develop Auto-J, a new open-source generative judge that can effectively evaluate different LLMs on how they align to human preference. It is featured with:

  • Generality: Auto-J is trained on data from real-world user queries and responses from various LLMs, covering a wide range of 58 real-world scenarios.
  • Flexibility: Auto-J supports both pairwise response comparison and single-response evaluation by just switching to corresponding prompts.
  • Interpretability: Auto-J provides detailed critiques that enhance the reliability of its evaluation outcomes and facilitate humans' involvement in the evaluation loop.


We present the benchmarking results for two tasks: the pairwise response comparison leaderboard and the critique generation leaderboard.

For the pairwise comparison task, the metric evaluates agreement with human preferences and the consistency rate when responses are swapped (not applicable for independent/single rating methods). Results may vary slightly from our paper due to modifications in verdict extraction codes for some models.

Ranking Model Type Generative Agreement Consistency
1 GPT-4 Pairwise ✔️ 62.28 86.28
2 Auto-J (Ours) Pairwise ✔️ 54.96 83.41
3 Moss-RM Single 54.31 -
4 Ziya-RM Single 53.23 -
5 Beaver-RM Single 52.37 -
6 OASST-RM Single 51.08 -
7 LLaMA-2-70B-Chat Pairwise ✔️ 46.12 69.90
8 ChatGPT Pairwise ✔️ 42.74 62.43
9 Claude-2 Pairwise ✔️ 42.60 63.43
10 SteamSHP Pairwise ✔️ 40.59 65.59
11 PandaLM Pairwise ✔️ 39.44 66.88
12 Vicuna-13B-v1.5 Pairwise ✔️ 39.22 62.07
13 WizardLM-13B-v1.5 Pairwise ✔️ 36.35 57.69
14 LLaMA-2-13B-Chat Pairwise ✔️ 29.81 48.56

In the critique generation task, the metric measures the win-rate against critiques generated by a reference model (ChatGPT) as judged by GPT-4.

Ranking Model Win Tie Lose
1 Auto-J (Ours) 73.7 2.2 24.1
2 GPT-4 58.2 7.3 34.5
3 ChatGPT (Reference) 50.0 0.0 50.0
4 LLaMA-2-13B-Chat 47.0 3.9 49.1
5 WizardLM-13B-v1.5 38.8 7.7 53.5
6 Vicuna-13B-v1.5 35.4 7.3 57.3
7 SelFee 12.9 1.7 85.4


Description of first image
Example 1: Compare a pair of responses, with key factors to distinguish them and the final verdict.
Description of second image
Example 2: Evaluate a single response, with critiques and an overall rating.


Description of second image

We begin by defining 58 scenarios, which we then condense into 8 major groups. Each scenario is accompanied by a set of manually designed criteria. We collect real-world user queries and responses from various chatbots and categorize the queries using our newly trained scenario classifier. We then employ GPT-4 to generate judgments for both our pairwise data (3,436 samples) and single-response data (960 samples) using the respective scenario criteria as a reference. Specifically, GPT-4 is tasked with providing comprehensive judgments for each data sample, considering both the predefined criteria for each scenario and brainstorming specific points. The judgment for pairwise response comparison contains the key factors in distinguishing between the two responses and the final verdict (i.e., which response is better or if they are tied), while the judgment for single-response evaluation includes critiques and an overall rating. These judgments, together with the user queries and responses, form our training data. During training, we utilize both pairwise comparisons and single-response data to train Auto-J, enabling it to seamlessly switch between these two evaluation protocols by simply applying the appropriate prompts. We also create new testbeds with a balanced distribution on different scenarios to assess Auto-J's effectiveness in pairwise response comparison and single-response evaluation.


Description of second image
Models' agreement with human preferences in pairwise response comparison.
Description of second image
Win-rate against baselines in critique generation, judged by GPT-4 and humans.
Description of second image
Auto-J's single-response ratings as rewards to select the best response among N candidates by a base model, then use GPT-4 to rate the selected responses.
Description of second image
Reranking the open-source models submitted to AlpacaEval Leaderboard by Auto-J's single-response overall ratings.


  title={Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment},
  author={Li, Junlong and Sun, Shichao and Yuan, Weizhe and Fan, Run-Ze and Zhao, Hai and Liu, Pengfei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05470},